Travel's Pills.

Look where we are...

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...and how to reach us!

Salento by Car

    You can reach the coast of Salento in Cars:

    Once in Puglia to follow:                     

  • Motorway A14 exit Bari Nord
  • Motorway Brindisi-Lecce
  • Motorway Gallipoli-Leuca exit Salve

Salento by Train

Salento by Fly

All the Folks from Salento.

  • Recipe

    The typical taste that only a earth as the Salento can give to the palate.

  • Musics

    The rapid pace of the tambourine and not only that, the Salento creative and poetic.

  • Traditions & Folks

    From past eras ritonano syled environment and the present.

Weather Maldives of Salento

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